Thursday, September 30, 2010

Shirlena Fever!

Oh, happy day! Shirlena Johnson is back! You might remember her from The X Factor. Check out her audition here. Why she was eliminated is beyond me. In my humble opinion, this crazy bitch has "grand prize winner" written all over her.

Have you visited yet?

I swear, officer...

(Boston Herald) - A man accused of shooting at a Longmont police officer trying to arrest him says he did so because he thought he was being chased by a zombie.

Twenty-two-year-old Brandon Duke was in court Friday and pleaded not guilty by reason of insanity to the charge of attempted first-degree murder and other charges. Authorities say an officer ran after Duke and was trying to arrest him on an outstanding warrant in May.

The Longmont Times Call reports that Duke told investigators he thought the officer was a zombie and he shot at him because he was trying to protect himself. The officer shot Duke, striking him in the torso and arm.

Duke will undergo a mental health evaluation and is scheduled in court again Dec. 3.

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Monday, September 27, 2010

Heartbroken? Take Tylenol. Seriously.

(Psychology Today) - The kind of pain that you feel when you get rejected socially feels different from the hurt you feel when you break your leg or scald your hand, but neurologically speaking, they're closely related. As researcher Naomi Eisenberger has shown, circuitry underlying both sorts of pain are found in the anterior cingulate cortex.

But if that's the case, can a drug that dulls pain in the body have a similar effect on one's emotions? A surprising new study suggests that the answer is yes. Psychologist C. Nathan DeWall of the University of Kentucky College of Arts and Sciences Department of Psychology led a team that asked 25 subjects to take either acetaminophen (aka Tylenol) or a placebo for three weeks, and then to lie in a brain scanner and play a video game that was rigged to make them feel uncomfortably ostracized. (Such games typically involve passing an electronic ball back and forth among three players, two of whom are actually a computer program and ignore the test subject after the beginning of the game.)

DeWall's team found that the subjects who had taken the Tylenol showed less activity in the dorsal anterior cingulate cortex. According to the paper, the "findings suggest that at least temporary mitigation of social pain-related distress may be achieved by means of an over-the-counter painkiller that is normally used for physical aches and pains."

The study was small, so the finding has to be regarded as preliminary, but if it's true then DeWall has found something remarkable. It's been well established that social and physical pain are linked, but before now no one had guessed the same analgesic could work for both.

Now that the possibility is out there, the idea seems eminently plausible. On the flip side of the equation, it's long been known that hugs and kisses from a loved one help reduce the sensation of physical pain. (It's amazing how quickly my one-year-old son stops crying after I kiss the spot where he's bumped his head). In fact, Eisenberger published another study last year which found that even looking at the photograph of a loved one can reduce the sensation of pain. So why shouldn't the analgesia work the other way, as well?

Now, for anyone planning to dose up on Tylenol in anticipation of social rejection, DeWall and his colleagues caution that "our findings do not constitute a call for widespread use of acetaminophen to cope with all types of personal problems. Future research is needed to verify the potential benefits of acetaminophen on reducing emotional and antisocial responses to social rejection." They also point out that long-term use of acetaminophen can lead to liver damage.

And that really would be a pain.

You can also read this story here.

Heartbroken? Take two Tylenol, visit,
and call me in the morning.

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Pre-Wedding To-Do List: Pick Up Gown, Cake, Ring... and Divorce Insurance

( - That's right. Couples can now pick up insurance policies to protect them against financial loss if the union goes south.

"The whole notion of having divorce insurance just appalls me," said relationship expert Julie Nise. "It is completely contrary to everything a marriage should be."

Nise says it shows a complete lack of commitment and maturity.

"I would assume you have to get divorce insurance before you get married," said Nise. "I don't know ... it would be kind of like having a pre-existing condition."

But in a country where roughly half of all marriages end in divorce, attorney Todd Edwards with the firm Elston & Edwards says it's only prudent to hedge your bets.

"I think the same people that would be interested in getting a prenuptial agreement would probably be interested in this sort of insurance product for the same reasons," said Edwards.

He doesn't believe a divorce policy is an option for couples who are preparing for failure. "There's a waiting period of about four years before it even would take effect," he notes. "It's set up for someone who is going to be in longterm relationship," and not a couple planning on having it go the wrong way.

But Nise disagrees.

"Part of the issue is, when people get in trouble with their marriages or relationships, the whole point is you're supposed to figure it out, not just bail out and start over," she said. "Statistically it's true — if you just bail out and start over, the likelihood of your making the same darned mistakes over and over and over, is very, very high."

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Saturday, September 25, 2010

Monster Paws!

We heart Monster Paws.
Fab gents straight outta Albuquerque, NM.

Wednesday, September 22, 2010


Glam alert!

Prior to attending a recent event, I received a fabulous pompadour and glam makeup, courtesy of stylist extraordinaire, Estevan Apodaca.

Also featured here: DJ Leo Matthew (left) and his crazy puppet and Stephen Moeny (right)

High hair extravaganza! Chicness! All things deluxe!

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Being Ms. Right

My book, Being Ms. Right, is finally available for sale online at!

Tired of sitting around in sweats with your old friends Ben & Jerry (Chunky Monkey was my poison), wondering where all the good men are hiding?

Enough of that. No more. Done and done.

Great guys are out there. Lots of 'em. No joke. They're everywhere. You just need to know where to find them, how to date them and -- this is the most important part-- how to be so fabulous that "The One" absolutely can't resist you.

You can easily accomplish all of these things. I'm here to help make this a reality. Fasten your seatbelt; it's time to unlock your inner man-magnet.

I've compiled a guide that gives you the tools you need to succeed in the dating world. Follow my lead, and you WILL meet the man of your dreams.

Click here to check out Being Ms. Right.

Monday, September 13, 2010

Good News for Cert!

Cert! Do I have news for you.

Behold! Kaká a.k.a. Ricardo Izecson dos Santos Leite

This hot hunk of Brazilian football midfielder plays for Spanish La Liga club Real Madrid and the Brazilian national team. He loves gospel music, football and...prepare yourself, girl...honey badgers!

Kaká is the new Kaca.

I believe my work here is done.

Visit us at

Sunday, September 12, 2010

An Open Letter to Cert

Our hearts are with you, Cert! Being dumped is never fun. We've all been there. One day you're on top of the world, enjoying a honey bender with your man, and the next day you discover he's Dlisted's Hot Slut of the Day. Sorry, girl. Know it hurts. Indulge in a mani/pedi and a stiff honeytini. Should Kaca fail to return, Dating Specialists is pleased to offer you a free copy of Being Ms. Right; guaranteed to help you find a sexy new honey who puts Kaca the slutty commitment phobe to shame.

Your friend,

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Reflect and Renew

Honoring the victims and heroes of September 11, 2001

Terrorists = Bad
Islam = Good

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Friday, September 10, 2010

R.I.P. Über-Jumbo Funbags

Because we at Dating Specialists are committed to keeping you abreast of all the latest happenings, we offer you this titillating news:

Sheyla Hershey Has World's Largest Breast Implants Removed

(MyFoxHouston) - The world has come to know her well. Sheyla Hershey is known for her striking smile and her large M cup breast implants. She has tried to save them for the past three months, but that fight has come to an end. Hershey had to have her implants removed, along with most of her own breast tissue.

Hershey tells FOX 26 News her surgeon realized in surgery that most of her tissue was too damaged to save. She says her surgeon tried to save just enough tissue to attempt reconstructive surgery within three or four months.

Hershey has been suffering from severe infections after trying to achieve fame for having the largest breasts in the world. She underwent surgery in Richmond, Texas to have them removed; she has been running a high fever and cannot seem to fight off infections.

Read the whole story here

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Thursday, September 9, 2010

Good Dancers are Good in Bed!

(Cosmopolitan) - People have long suspected that being a good dancer equals being good in bed. And finally scientists have proven it to be true—at least when it comes to men.

OK, so the researchers aren't exactly saying that a guy with sweet moves on the dance floor is guaranteed to be a good lay. But according to the recent study, a dude's ability to get down "may form honest signals of a man’s reproductive quality, in terms of health, vigor or strength".

Scientists at the British university of Northumbria identified "good" and "bad" dancing by recording a bunch of male volunteers shakin' it. The images were then turned into Avatar-like characters and shown to women, who rated the men's moves.

Here's what a guy will look like if he's a good dancer...and potentially a good bang. (Keep an eye out for "large and varied movements involving the neck and trunk", say the scientists.)

And if you're to believe the research, you probably want to steer clear of this kind of dancer.

Read the online article here

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Tuesday, September 7, 2010

German Communist Party Mistakenly Hands Out Porn Pens to Kids

(Reuters Life!) - To sweeten their first day at primary school, German children are normally given a cardboard cone filled with sweets, but schoolchildren in Essen this year opened their cones to find pens which project erotic images.

Children attending the Adolf Reichwein School in the northwestern German city were handed cones containing the pens by members of the German Communist Party, according to the school's headmaster.

Angry parents who discovered that the pens given to their six-year-old children could project erotic images of women informed the headmaster.

In a press release the German Communist Party stated that it had purchased the pens from a discount store, which had said the pens lit up at the push of a button.

"The German Communist Party deeply regrets what has happened and is outraged that this kind of thing, which borders on pornography, can be purchased in normal shops," it said, adding that its lawyers were now investigating whether the vendors could be prosecuted.

The party has offered to exchange the pens for something more suitable for children.

(Writing by Michelle Martin; Editing
by Paul Casciato)
Read the story online here


Sunday, September 5, 2010

How to Turn Heads, by Mary Poppins

Turning heads is easy with the right frock. This stunning ensemble by Cha-Cha Couture is guaranteed to make the boys go wild! The satin bow, the delicate rosettes, the eyelet lace... how can you say no?

This concludes our lesson on how to turn heads. Class adjourned.

Your tutor,  

Mary Poppins
Professor of Lurve