Saturday, August 28, 2010


Our pal and photographer, Wes Naman,
took this positively incredible shot a few evenings ago.
This is an untouched photo, kids.
Nature + Naman = Pure Genius.


Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Go, Miss Philippines!

Watch their reaction when Miss Philippines makes the top 15. That, combined with the fact that they recorded themselves watching the Miss Universe pageant, earns them a spot on our Gay Boyfriend Waiting List.


Monday, August 23, 2010

The Blame Game

Happy Monday, all. Lisa here.

Do you lack love, happiness and/or wealth because somebody screwed you over?

"Why does everyone else get all the breaks?"

"If it wasn't for you, I'd be ... (happy, rich, successful, etc)."

"Everyone takes advantage of me."

Excuses and blame are useless, and do nothing but render us helpless. When you play the victim, you rob yourself of power.

It's time to quit casting blame and take responsibility for your shortcomings.

Let go of the past. If you hold onto regret, resentment or anger, you'll only remain stuck there. Forgive... release... elevate... evolve... not only will you release the other person, but you also set yourself free from that misery.

It's also unhealthy to repeatedly jab that critical finger in your own face. In my past, I blamed myself for everything, which caused me to choose bad habits and unhealthy relationships as a way of unconciously punishing myself. Blaming and judging yourself is just as disempowering as directing it toward others. Thus, it's crucial to learn to accept and forgive yourself, as well as others.

Naturally, there will always be things that are completely out of our control. That's just life. You can even deal with those emergencies with the best attitude possible; it makes a difference.

Remember: When you complain, you remain. Take responsibility for your life and stop blaming others for your problems. Take it easy on yourself, as well. You are so worthy of having a wonderful, independent, abundant life. Live it.


"When you focus upon lack in an attitude of complaining, you establish a vibrational point of attraction that then gives you access only to more thoughts of complaint. Your deliberate effort to tell a new story will establish a new pattern of thought, providing you with a new point of attraction from your present, about your past, and into your future. The simple effort of looking for positive aspects will set a new vibrational tone that will begin the immediate attraction of thoughts, people, circumstances, and things that are pleasing to you."
--- Abraham (Excerpted from the book "Money and the Law of Attraction: Learning to Attract Health, Wealth and Happiness," by Esther and Jerry Hicks)


Saturday, August 21, 2010

Everything is Terrible!

Lisa and Shirley in the theater
Shirley and I went to see 2Everything2Terrible2: Tokyo Drift, the latest installment from the found video collective, Everything is Terrible!

It's pure video gold from the end of the 20th century, kids. Clips included late-night infomercials, creepy dancing boys, forgotten Z-movies, cat massages, PSAs, singing babies, Colby the religious robot, costumed dogs and so much more.

We howled with laughter for two hours straight. I almost wet my pants. Seriously.

A couple times during the feaure, the movie was paused, and the filmmakers emerged from a back room wearing cloaks and wacky monster costumes, with gold-painted VHS tapes hanging around their necks. They burned incense, chanted and paraded around two small temples made out of Jerry Maguire videos as a fog machine filled the theatre with spooky ambiance.

Afterward, we had the pleasure of meeting the EIT geniuses outside the theater. I found this one to be especially handsome. Thanks for a great time, guys!

Please see the show if it's appearing at a theater near you. You can also buy it here.


Dating Specialists

Some dating advice from Everything is Terrible:


Wednesday, August 18, 2010

We Heart Gay Boyfriends!

Lisa and Tommy

Every girl needs a gay boyfriend.

Chastity Belt-Off

We have several...
lucky us!!!

AnnMarie, Lisa and Sebree (AKA Shirley) 

How to Get a Gay Male Friend (for Girls)

from wikiHow - The How to Manual That You Can Edit

Everywhere on TV you see them: fabulous, close gay male friends who support, amuse, and accompany their straight girlfriends everywhere. But how does a straight girl intrigue a gay man? How does she acquire the friendship? Read on.

  1. First, you will need to meet gay men. Luckily, one in ten men are gay, so you have plenty of chances! Look around at work, at school... anywhere. If those outlets don't seem to work, grab some of your fabulous girlfriends and head to a gay bar for a night of dancing.

    2. Remember, gay men are people too. Don't act desperate to be friend. Be friendly, clever, attractive, and a real friend. If you want someone to be willing to listen to your boyfriend troubles, you have to be there for him too.

    3. Don't make assumptions about what a gay man is into just because they are gay. Get to know them as an individual and if you share interests, maybe you'll become friends.

    4. Don't assume your gay friend will want to do "girl things" with you. Gay men are still men. Don't talk about girly bodily functions or assume he wants to wear makeup or go shopping for fashionable clothes. It is not only a mistake, it's insulting.

    5. At the gay bar- don't be afraid to go out and dance! Just because they want to date men doesn't mean that gay men won't dance with a woman who knows how to have a good time. After the dance, strike up a conversation and grab a cocktail. Introduce your friends to each other.

    6. Never forget, a gay friend is NOT a boyfriend. You cannot change him, convert him, or (most of the time) make out with him. Getting your heart involved is dangerous- you will get hurt and it's not fair when you know he's gay from the beginning. He's not gay to hurt your feelings. It's just the way he is.

    7. Don't dump your gay friend just because you found a straight one. If you expect your friends to stick by you, they should still be your friends even when you're in a relationship and vice versa. And if your straight boyfriend gets jealous, think about whether he's right for you. Do you really want someone that possessive?


  • Techno or trance bars are often where one can find gay men. If you don't like these sort of clubs, you could join a gay straight alliance instead. Or, you could try "piano bars" if you are in New York or another major city.
  • Be yourself. No one wants to be friends with a phony.
  • For inspiration look at the long history of diva icons: Bette Davis, Tallulah Bankhead, Kathleen Turner, Paula Abdul etc. Being Britney Spears is cute, but it doesn't show your macho side. You'll need personality even more than looks if you're going to get a gay boy friend.

  • Do not fall in love. A gay boy friend is not waiting for the right girl. He likes boys. Deal with it.
  • Don't forget to go to a straight bar occasionally. Gay friends are lovely, but they're no reason to give up on being a sexual creature yourself. Stay in the game.
  • Gay men are NOT women. They are men, and will occasionally be just as confused by your girlish ways as any straight man.
  • Don't forget that gay men are as diverse as all the men in the world. They come from every ethnic group, religion, and culture. Don't assume they are all the same, that they all love musical and watch project runway. Gay men run the gamut from stereotypical "queens" or "femmes" to very masculine guys that you might never think are gay -- but ARE. Most gay men are just average Joes like every other guy.
  • Don't be hurt or offended or get nasty if some gay men seem unapproachable or even unfriendly. Remember, gay men are GAY and the point of going to gay bars is NOT to meet women or straight people -- it's to MEET OTHER GAY MEN. Some gay men, especially in the looser dance clubs or piano bars, may be perfectly willing to talk to you and be friends, but it is a bad mistake to try to insinuate yourself into an all-gay cruise bar or gay meat market -- strictly gay, strictly men -- where the whole point of those places is for men to connect with other men for dating or sex. These men are not sexist but from their point of view you will simply be unwelcome and taking up space, only serving to lessen the gay ambiance. Remember, you can also be "friends" with straight men as well.
  • Like them for who they are. Don't just be their friends because they are gay. Remember that they are people first and don't befriend them just for their sexual orientation.
  • Don't make comments or jokes about homosexuality with him. He might get angry and "gayly" flip out on you.                                                          
Wowwwww... "gayly" flip out on you, huh? Sounds hazardous. We don't necessarily agree with all those wikiHow points, but they're damn fun to read.
    Three cheers for gay boyfriends!!! We love you, betches!


Monday, August 9, 2010

Where There's Smoke, There's Hotness

Hi, I'm Lisa, and I'm a firefighteroholic.

What can I say? They're firefighters. They're the hotness, plain and simple. We all love them. Am I right, or am I right? Lately, however, my appreciation for them has transformed into head-jerking fascination.

It's especially challenging when I'm driving. As soon as the red truck approaches, God forbid I'm in heavy traffic, because I have a hard time staying in my lane.

Recently, AnnMarie and I decided to take a break from our usual eat-at-our-desks routine and have an actual restaurant sit-down. We hit the restaurant patio and... well, well, welllll... there were about a dozen firefighters seated at a long, rectangular table.

AnnMarie wanted to discuss business. I tried. I really did. But the firefighters won. "Are you listening to me?" she finally asked. I had to be honest. "No. I'm totally not. I'm so sorry. I can't resist them." So we threw in the towel and had a fabulous flirt. After they left, they drove the truck back by the patio twice for a bit more fun. Eye-batting overload. Great business meeting. Flawless.

This evening, I received a gift from the hotness gods. If you're one of our Twitter followers, then you know that the guys downstairs from the office are obsessed with fireworks. Yesterday, they took an old couch outside, stuffed it with fireworks, and set it ablaze. They had hoses, shovels and dirt handy, but still... who burns a couch? Seriously.

I threw open the window. "What the hell are you fools doing?!?" I politely inquired. "We hate the couch. It's gotta go." they replied. I was on deadline and couldn't be bothered. 24 hours later, I'd forgotten all about it, until...

Skittering flashlight beams streamed into the office window. I heard deep voices. I rose from my desk and peered outside. Ta-daaaaaa! FIREFIGHTERS! At our door! Four of them! Wheeee!

I raced downstairs as quickly as you could say "I am so ridiculously hot for firefighters", threw open the door, and... immediately began coughing. Couch smoke filled the air. The neighbors were at it again. "What's going on here?" they asked me authoritatively...and hotly. "You're (cough) in the (cough) wrong (cough) space (cough)," I hacked while attempting to bat the lashes on my red, burning eyes. "They're over (cough)(cough)(cough)..." I wanted to say "there", but I was done for. I pointed them in the right direction, waved and got the hell back in the office.

For the next 15 minutes, I peered through the upstairs window and watched those brave, toned, super-sexy public servants battle the evil couch next door while the owners looked on in shame, heads hanging low. I silently cursed them for torching my dreams. I had FOUR friggin' firefighters at my door, and that damn smoldering furniture prevented me from uttering even one charming line.

Bastard neighbors! Hot blockers! Know this: I will get even. I will.


Sunday, August 8, 2010

Post Office Payment Methods..

Greetings from AnnMarie-land.

I received those Forever stamps from a man at the post office that was hoping to have a Forever-thing with me. Or something like that.

While in line at the post office this week in an attempt to quickly mail my rent, I was approached by this good-looking, well-dressed man in the long and slow-moving line. "Do you just need a stamp?" he asked...I, assuming that he wanted to let me cut in front of him in line, said, "Yeah but it's alright, I'll just wait." Instead of telling me I could cut in line as I was expecting, he told me to wait a minute and ran outside.

He appeared back in the store several minutes later with an entire sheet of stamps. "Here, take one. That way you won't have to wait." I told him that it was okay and that I could wait in line, but he insisted. I insisted that I pay him for the stamp. He refused to accept my money. I tried to give him the rest of the sheet back and he INSISTED that I keep them all. (An entire sheet of stamps?!) Then came the, "I'm Dave by the way..." so I introduced myself, too.

HE FROZE. He thought that he was going to look scuzzy for paying for a date in stamps if he tried to ask me out. "Nice to meet you, thank you so much for the stamps," and I ran the fuck out of that place!

Had I been on the lookout for a date for this weekend, I completely would have taken the reins and continued that conversation. I am all about taking the lead. However, I have a pretty good thing going right now that I don't want to jinx. We'll see. I might even let on a little bit more about it here in the near future..


Saturday, August 7, 2010

Rawk on!

Greetings from Lisa.

We attended a Rock Star Bowling birthday bash for our friend, Joy.

Guests were encouraged to dress as rock stars.

Clearly, I was trainwreck of the century, Courtney Love. AnnMarie was Miley Cyrus.

I scowled and sneered at everyone in the bowling alley... even frightened a few children... yay!

We hung out with hot dudes like Kurt Cobain, Robert Smith and Mark Mothersbaugh from Devo. Robert Smith had the hots for Miley. Understandably, nobody had the hots for Courtney.

After scoping out the bowling alley, we're currently unable to recommend it as a prime hottie-spotting location. Gotta be honest: It was pretty grim, folks. Might've just been an off night, though. We'll likely give it another look-see in the future, should we experience the urge to bowl. Yeah... can't see that happening anytime soon.

Ciao for now.

Happy birthday, Joy!


Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Hot dog, it works!

Hey all! Lisa here. This morning, I took a tip from our latest podcast,"Ten Places to Meet Great Guys," and hit the dog park (Tip #5).

Lo and behold, I met a hottie. Goooooaaaaaal!

Shortly after entering the park, my 7-pound Pomchi, Mary Poppins, was mowed over by a careening, three-month-old Blue Heeler puppy.

The pup's owner rushed over to apologize. Never one to hold a grudge (especially against smiling, handsome execs), I accepted his apology, and soon we were chatting up a storm. Unfortunately, poor Mary had to deal with young Sophie's topsy-turvy antics for the remainder of our visit, but in true "take one for the team" spirit, she grudgingly obliged.

We'll see what unfolds during future dog park visits. I wouldn't be remotely surprised if Eric and Sophie make a return appearance on this blog in the future.


Sunday, August 1, 2010

Meet Your New Dating Specialists!

Hi. How are you? If you’re reading this, then the answer probably isn’t: “Perfect.”

Whaaaat? You’re not perfect? Whew! What a relief. Otherwise, we probably won’t get along too well. “Perfect” people freak us out. Those are the types who end up totally snapping and doing crazy, off-the-deep end stuff like mowing down a schoolyard full of nuns with an AK-47 or something.

Sorry, that was a brutal example. But we got our point across, yes? That’s what can happen if you repress yourself and refuse to acknowledge your true radiance.

“Perfect” people are, of course, not remotely perfect. Nobody is. We all have issues, idiosyncrasies, bad habits, weaknesses, and such. All of us. No exceptions. Since you’re reading these words, you’re obviously taking ownership of your issues, and want to do something about them. Kudos to you!

When we officially decide to take the self-analysis and personal development plunge, it’s freakin’ scary. We have to think about things that make us uncomfortable…say things that aren’t normally a part of our vernacular…go places we wouldn’t normally go... the list goes on. The rewards, however, are so incredibly sweet that it’s unquestionably worth the effort. Best part about it all: If you make the effort, it always works…a-l-w-a-y-s…one hundred percent of the time.

Hope you’ll become a part of our inner circle and join us on as we achieve our ideal lives, loves and –of course– lingerie. Rowwwwwr!

Your Dating Specialists,

Lisa and AnnMarie