Sunday, August 8, 2010

Post Office Payment Methods..

Greetings from AnnMarie-land.

I received those Forever stamps from a man at the post office that was hoping to have a Forever-thing with me. Or something like that.

While in line at the post office this week in an attempt to quickly mail my rent, I was approached by this good-looking, well-dressed man in the long and slow-moving line. "Do you just need a stamp?" he asked...I, assuming that he wanted to let me cut in front of him in line, said, "Yeah but it's alright, I'll just wait." Instead of telling me I could cut in line as I was expecting, he told me to wait a minute and ran outside.

He appeared back in the store several minutes later with an entire sheet of stamps. "Here, take one. That way you won't have to wait." I told him that it was okay and that I could wait in line, but he insisted. I insisted that I pay him for the stamp. He refused to accept my money. I tried to give him the rest of the sheet back and he INSISTED that I keep them all. (An entire sheet of stamps?!) Then came the, "I'm Dave by the way..." so I introduced myself, too.

HE FROZE. He thought that he was going to look scuzzy for paying for a date in stamps if he tried to ask me out. "Nice to meet you, thank you so much for the stamps," and I ran the fuck out of that place!

Had I been on the lookout for a date for this weekend, I completely would have taken the reins and continued that conversation. I am all about taking the lead. However, I have a pretty good thing going right now that I don't want to jinx. We'll see. I might even let on a little bit more about it here in the near future..


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