Sunday, August 1, 2010

Meet Your New Dating Specialists!

Hi. How are you? If you’re reading this, then the answer probably isn’t: “Perfect.”

Whaaaat? You’re not perfect? Whew! What a relief. Otherwise, we probably won’t get along too well. “Perfect” people freak us out. Those are the types who end up totally snapping and doing crazy, off-the-deep end stuff like mowing down a schoolyard full of nuns with an AK-47 or something.

Sorry, that was a brutal example. But we got our point across, yes? That’s what can happen if you repress yourself and refuse to acknowledge your true radiance.

“Perfect” people are, of course, not remotely perfect. Nobody is. We all have issues, idiosyncrasies, bad habits, weaknesses, and such. All of us. No exceptions. Since you’re reading these words, you’re obviously taking ownership of your issues, and want to do something about them. Kudos to you!

When we officially decide to take the self-analysis and personal development plunge, it’s freakin’ scary. We have to think about things that make us uncomfortable…say things that aren’t normally a part of our vernacular…go places we wouldn’t normally go... the list goes on. The rewards, however, are so incredibly sweet that it’s unquestionably worth the effort. Best part about it all: If you make the effort, it always works…a-l-w-a-y-s…one hundred percent of the time.

Hope you’ll become a part of our inner circle and join us on as we achieve our ideal lives, loves and –of course– lingerie. Rowwwwwr!

Your Dating Specialists,

Lisa and AnnMarie